Class AnimationEngine

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AnimationEngine extends Object
An abstract base class for managing animation in a document.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AnimationEngine

      public AnimationEngine(Document doc)
      Creates a new AnimationEngine for the given document.
  • Method Details

    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Disposes this animation engine.
    • pause

      public void pause()
      Pauses the animations.
    • unpause

      public void unpause()
      Unpauses the animations.
    • isPaused

      public boolean isPaused()
      Returns whether animations are currently paused.
    • getCurrentTime

      public float getCurrentTime()
      Returns the current document time.
    • setCurrentTime

      public float setCurrentTime(float t)
      Sets the current document time.
    • addAnimation

      public void addAnimation(AnimationTarget target, short type, String ns, String an, AbstractAnimation anim)
      Adds an animation to the document.
      target - the target element of the animation
      type - the type of animation (must be one of the ANIM_TYPE_* constants defined in this class
      ns - the namespace URI of the attribute being animated, if type == ANIM_TYPE_XML
      an - the attribute name if type == ANIM_TYPE_XML, the property name if type == ANIM_TYPE_CSS, and the animation type otherwise
      anim - the animation
    • removeAnimation

      public void removeAnimation(AbstractAnimation anim)
      Removes an animation from the document.
    • getSandwich

      protected AnimationEngine.Sandwich getSandwich(AnimationTarget target, short type, String ns, String an)
      Returns the Sandwich for the given animation type/attribute.
    • getTargetInfo

      protected AnimationEngine.TargetInfo getTargetInfo(AnimationTarget target)
      Returns the TargetInfo for the given AnimationTarget.
    • getAnimationInfo

      protected AnimationEngine.AnimationInfo getAnimationInfo(AbstractAnimation anim)
      Returns the AnimationInfo for the given AbstractAnimation.
    • tick

      protected float tick(float time, boolean hyperlinking)
      Updates the animations in the document to the given document time.
      time - the document time to sample at
      hyperlinking - whether the document should be seeked to the given time, as with hyperlinking
    • toActive

      public void toActive(AbstractAnimation anim, float begin)
      Invoked to indicate an animation became active at the specified time.
      anim - the animation
      begin - the time the element became active, in document simple time
    • pushDown

      protected void pushDown(AbstractAnimation anim)
      Moves the animation down the sandwich such that it is in the right position according to begin time and document order.
    • toInactive

      public void toInactive(AbstractAnimation anim, boolean isFrozen)
      Invoked to indicate that this timed element became inactive.
      anim - the animation
      isFrozen - whether the element is frozen or not
    • removeFill

      public void removeFill(AbstractAnimation anim)
      Invoked to indicate that this timed element has had its fill removed.
    • moveToTop

      protected void moveToTop(AbstractAnimation anim)
      Moves the given animation to the top of the sandwich.
    • moveToBottom

      protected void moveToBottom(AbstractAnimation anim)
      Moves the given animation to the bottom of the sandwich.
    • addTimegraphListener

      public void addTimegraphListener(TimegraphListener l)
      Adds a TimegraphListener to the document.
    • removeTimegraphListener

      public void removeTimegraphListener(TimegraphListener l)
      Removes a TimegraphListener from the document.
    • sampledAt

      public void sampledAt(AbstractAnimation anim, float simpleTime, float simpleDur, int repeatIteration)
      Invoked to indicate that this timed element has been sampled at the given time.
      anim - the animation
      simpleTime - the sample time in local simple time
      simpleDur - the simple duration of the element
      repeatIteration - the repeat iteration during which the element was sampled
    • sampledLastValue

      public void sampledLastValue(AbstractAnimation anim, int repeatIteration)
      Invoked to indicate that this timed element has been sampled at the end of its active time, at an integer multiple of the simple duration. This is the "last" value that will be used for filling, which cannot be sampled normally.
    • createDocumentRoot

      protected abstract TimedDocumentRoot createDocumentRoot()
      Creates a new returns a new TimedDocumentRoot object for the document.