Interface Window

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseScriptingEnvironment.Window, ScriptingEnvironment.Window, SVG12ScriptingEnvironment.Global

public interface Window extends Window
This interface represents the 'window' object defined in the global environment of a SVG document.
  • Method Details

    • setInterval

      Object setInterval(String script, long interval)
      Evaluates the given string repeatedly after the given amount of time. This method does not stall the script: the evaluation is scheduled and the script continues its execution.
      an object representing the interval created.
    • setInterval

      Object setInterval(Runnable r, long interval)
      Calls the 'run' method of the given Runnable repeatedly after the given amount of time. This method does not stall the script: the evaluation is scheduled and the script continues its execution.
      an object representing the interval created.
    • clearInterval

      void clearInterval(Object interval)
      Cancels an interval that was set by a call to 'setInterval'.
    • setTimeout

      Object setTimeout(String script, long timeout)
      Evaluates the given string after the given amount of time. This method does not stall the script: the evaluation is scheduled and the script continues its execution.
      an object representing the timeout created.
    • setTimeout

      Object setTimeout(Runnable r, long timeout)
      Calls the 'run' method of the given Runnable after the given amount of time. This method does not stall the script: the evaluation is scheduled and the script continues its execution.
      an object representing the timeout created.
    • clearTimeout

      void clearTimeout(Object timeout)
      Cancels an timeout that was set by a call to 'setTimeout'.
    • parseXML

      Node parseXML(String text, Document doc)
      Parses the given XML string into a DocumentFragment of the given document or a new document if 'doc' is null.
      The document fragment or null on error.
    • printNode

      String printNode(Node n)
      Serializes the given node.
    • getURL

      void getURL(String uri, Window.URLResponseHandler h)
      Gets data from the given URI.
      uri - The URI where the data is located.
      h - A handler called when the data is available.
    • getURL

      void getURL(String uri, Window.URLResponseHandler h, String enc)
      Gets data from the given URI.
      uri - The URI where the data is located.
      h - A handler called when the data is available.
      enc - The character encoding of the data.
    • postURL

      void postURL(String uri, String content, Window.URLResponseHandler h)
      Posts data to the given URI.
      uri - The URI where the data is located.
      content - The data to post to the server.
      h - A handler called when the data is available.
    • postURL

      void postURL(String uri, String content, Window.URLResponseHandler h, String mimeType)
      Posts data to the given URI.
      uri - The URI where the data is located.
      content - The data to post to the server.
      h - A handler called when the data is available.
      mimeType - The mimeType to asscoiate with post.
    • postURL

      void postURL(String uri, String content, Window.URLResponseHandler h, String mimeType, String enc)
      Posts data to the given URI.
      uri - The URI where the data is located.
      content - The data to post to the server.
      h - A handler called when the data is available.
      mimeType - The mimeType to asscoiate with post.
      enc - The encoding to apply to content may be "gzip", "deflate", or null.
    • alert

      void alert(String message)
      Displays an alert dialog box.
    • confirm

      boolean confirm(String message)
      Displays a confirm dialog box.
    • prompt

      String prompt(String message)
      Displays an input dialog box.
      The input of the user, or null if the dialog was cancelled.
    • prompt

      String prompt(String message, String defVal)
      Displays an input dialog box, given the default value.
      The input of the user, or null if the dialog was cancelled.
    • getBridgeContext

      BridgeContext getBridgeContext()
      Returns the current BridgeContext. This object given a deep access to the viewer internals.
    • getInterpreter

      Interpreter getInterpreter()
      Returns the associated interpreter.